About us


 We are three like-minded people with extensive experience in the art of being still. Together we have created The Life Drawing Collectiv...

Friday, 23 October 2015


 We are three like-minded people with extensive experience in the art of being still. Together we have created The Life Drawing Collective - a model-led equal profit share group, which grants us a pay we deserve, while empowering us to provide the artists with multi-model sessions that stand out amongst other numerous drawing clubs in London.

The collective has a core base of three professional models posing together in interactive compositions inspired by classic art.

Andrew Crayford is an outstanding anatomy model with exceptional muscle definition and 14 years experience. Carla Tofano is a sultry Venezuelan pin-up beauty with an hourglass figure. Manko is a leggy blonde ex-fashion model who posed for artists since childhood. With their distinctive yet complimentary modelling styles and physiques, they launch the most effective team yet!

Andrew: "A part of the ethos of our group is that nudity simply means 'unclothed' rather than the stigma of 'being nude', which I think still has negative and titillating connotations."

Manko: "When someone says "you broke? Get extra cash life modelling!" we cringe, and we insist to nip that idea in the bud. In spite of what delusional mates and cheap reality TV tell you, being a life model is not a transient little exercise in laziness or even self-liberation that ends up in a fistful of cash. It really is not that simple."

Carla: "I honestly believe that we are doing here is especially important for the future recognition of a very underestimated art discipline. A life model is an artist in itself, and this project has philosophical wings. We are naked people that have revolutionary ideas!"

We are not just ok with being naked in public. All of us work hard at our appearance, commitment and our mental state to enjoy the art of being still; we research art history, we hold dramatic posture so our bodies ache the next day, we know how to use lighting, and are artists ourselves who know what our audience wants from us. While we are channeling the classic characters in long dramatic extended poses with every tense, shivering fibre of our bodies while holding each other tight, we are also aware that we are stirring up the synergy of the Muse with the artists in front of us, whom we regard as our collaborators.

Let's finish with this quote of one of our artists, Jason Askew, who came to our first life session together and drew - gloriously - Andrew, Carla and Manko posing together for the first time. Jason recognised "the huge physical and emotional effort made by everyone there, collectively, - both models and artists, in order to produce something of value. These life drawing sessions are group activities. Art and creativity are not necessarily channelled by individuals in isolation, but are the synthesis of the combined high vibrational energy output of the group acting in concert with each other - the people posing, and the people drawing, in order to create harmony - it's like yoga in that sense. Everyone does their bit to contribute to the uplifting energy of the whole at these sessions - the success of the whole is equal to the sum of its parts."

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